Mouthguards and Nightguards in Seattle, WA

Safekeeping Your Smile

Are you an active person who enjoys sports, or perhaps you have a tendency to grind your teeth at night? Whatever the case may be, our Seattle dentist provides two dental appliances that can help keep your teeth and gums safe and healthy: mouthguards and nightguards. 

Mouthguards protect physical activities, while nightguards can help alleviate the effects of teeth grinding during sleep. By taking the time to properly use and care for these devices, you can avoid unnecessary dental damage and maintain a happy, healthy smile!


A nightguard is a dental appliance worn while you sleep to prevent teeth from grinding or clenching. Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can lead to tooth damage, jaw pain, and headaches. A nightguard is custom-fit to your mouth, providing a comfortable barrier between your teeth that can help reduce the impact of grinding and clenching.

Dr. Johnson in Seattle, WA, can provide you with a custom-fit nightguard that will protect your teeth and help alleviate any pain or discomfort caused by teeth grinding. These nightguards are made from high-quality materials and are designed to fit snugly over your teeth, so you can sleep soundly knowing that your teeth are protected.


Mouthguards are another type of dental appliance that can help protect your teeth from damage. They are commonly used by athletes who participate in contact sports such as football, hockey, or boxing. A mouthguard is worn over the teeth to provide a cushion that can absorb the impact of a blow to the face or head. This can help prevent tooth fractures, jaw injuries, and even concussions.

Dr. Johnson offers custom-fit mouthguards for patients of all ages who participate in sports or other physical activities. These mouthguards are made from high-quality materials and are designed to fit snugly over your teeth, providing maximum protection while also allowing for clear speech and easy breathing.

How Can They Help?

Mouthguards and nightguards can both help protect your teeth and oral health in different ways. Here are a few ways these dental appliances can benefit you:

Preventing tooth damage: Both mouthguards and nightguards can help prevent tooth damage. A mouthguard can protect your teeth from impact during contact sports, while a nightguard can prevent tooth grinding and clenching that can lead to tooth fractures and other damage.

Alleviating pain: Teeth grinding and clenching can cause jaw pain, headaches, and other discomfort. Wearing a nightguard can help alleviate this pain by providing a cushion between your teeth and reducing the impact of grinding and clenching.

Protecting the jaw: Mouthguards can also help protect your jaw from injury during contact sports. A strong blow to the face or head can cause the jaw to dislocate or fracture, but a mouthguard can absorb some of the impacts and prevent these injuries.

Improving performance: Athletes who wear mouthguards may also experience improved performance on the field or court. A mouthguard can help keep the jaw in a more stable position, allowing for better breathing and improved oxygen flow to the muscles.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I clean my mouthguard or nightguard?
How often should I replace my mouthguard or nightguard?
Can I wear a mouthguard or nightguard if I have braces?
Can I wear a store-bought mouthguard or a nightguard?
Will a nightguard or mouthguard affect my speech?
How do I clean my mouthguard or nightguard?

Proper cleaning is essential for maintaining the hygiene and longevity of your dental appliance. You can clean your mouthguard or nightguard with a toothbrush and toothpaste, or with a special cleaning solution recommended by your dentist. Be sure to rinse thoroughly and store it in a clean, dry case.

How often should I replace my mouthguard or nightguard?

It’s recommended to replace your dental appliance at least once a year to ensure a proper fit and maximum protection. Additionally, if you notice any signs of wear and tear or damage, it is important to replace them immediately. Bring your mouthguard or nightguard to your regular dental checkups to allow your dentist to inspect it for any wear and tear.

Can I wear a mouthguard or nightguard if I have braces?

Yes, you can wear a custom-fit dental appliance that’s compatible with braces. your dentist can provide you with a personalized mouthguard or nightguard that protects your teeth and braces during sports or physical activities.

Can I wear a store-bought mouthguard or a nightguard?

While store-bought dental appliances are available, they may not provide the proper fit or sufficient protection. your dentist recommends getting a custom-fit mouthguard or nightguard to ensure maximum protection and comfort.

Will a nightguard or mouthguard affect my speech?

Properly fitted mouthguards and nightguards shouldn’t significantly affect your speech. You may experience an adjustment period when wearing a new dental appliance, but you should be able to speak clearly after a few days of wear. If you experience any difficulties, consult your dentist to make the necessary adjustments.

Protect Your Smile Today with a Custom-Fit Mouthguard or Nightguard

Protecting your teeth and oral health is crucial, and a custom-fit mouthguard or nightguard from Dr. Johnson in Seattle, WA, can make all the difference. Don’t let tooth damage or pain hold you back from enjoying life to the fullest. Call Dr. Johnson today at (206) 682-3888 to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards protecting your smile. Your oral health is worth it, and we are here to help.
